Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Quest is complete.

After a long and arduous journey in search for the fabled treasure, our Quest is complete. The lengendary Chocolate Mud Cake of Secret Recipe has been found. Where? Plaza Singapura. The shop is having a nice promotion on free tea coupled with every slice of cake purchased. Earl Grey Tea is surprisingly refreshing...

And so, yet another afternoon spent between two people who cannot seem to spend their time profitably in each other's presence. This is a troubling trend in light of the impending promos... I must try to spend more time studying instead of shopping. Or is it watching someone else shop while I drag my feet from shop to shop? haha...

I've been feeling so spiritually dry lately. I can't seem to enter fully into worship. My mind keeps wandering. I can't focus, or sit down and read the Word deeply. I must change! I must return! Lord, take me back in, take me once again to that place where I sense You are near...

You know, all these recent queries into my love life, or the lack of it, are getting really tiring. I know it appears to everyone on the outside that beni and I are dating, but really, if you ever happen to overhear our conversations, they do not happen to be the conversations a couple has... But apparently no one will believe me, so you people can go believe whatever you want to believe...

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